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rare earth recycling

Rare Earth Metals May Be Lurking in Your Junk Drawer

Jan. 20, 2024. A vast and largely overlooked source of rare earth metals, materials critical for clean energy, could be in our homes, sitting in the back of our cabinets and junk drawers. A new ...

How science could make recycling rare earth elements easier

Why Are Rare Earths So Challenging to Extract?Microbial Partners Can Help Recycle Rare EarthsHow to Pull Rare Earths from Discarded MagnetsRare Earth Recycling Has Logistical HurdlesRecycling seems like an obvious way to get more rare earths. It’s standard practice in the United States and Europe to recycle from 15 to 70 percent of other metals, such as iron, copper, aluminum, nickel and tin. Yet today, only about 1 percent of rare earth elements in old products are recycled, says Simon Jowitt, an economi在sciencenews上

Recycling rare earths: Perspectives and recent advances

2022年4月21日  Rare-earth element (REE) demand is expected to increase by a factor of up to 7 by 2040. Recycling avoids the significant hurdles associated with opening new

Green rare-earth recycling goes commercial in the US

2022年2月25日  An innovative method of recycling rare earth elements from electronic waste has gone commercial. A team of researchers from the Critical Materials Institute

Recycling of rare earths: a critical review - ScienceDirect

2013年7月15日  The rare earths or rare-earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemically similar metallic elements (15 lanthanides, plus scandium and yttrium). They are becoming increasingly important in the transition to a green, low-carbon economy. This is due to their essential role in permanent magnets, lamp phosphors, rechargeable NiMH

Rare Earth Metals May Be Lurking in Your Junk Drawer

Jan. 20, 2024. A vast and largely overlooked source of rare earth metals, materials critical for clean energy, could be in our homes, sitting in the back of our cabinets and junk drawers. A new ...

Recycling rare-earth elements is hard — but worth it

2023年5月4日  Rare-earth recycling tends to use hazardous chemicals, such as hydrochloric acid. It also uses a lot of heat — and thus a lot of energy. And that effort may only recover a tiny amount of metal. A

Recycling of the rare earth elements - ScienceDirect

2018年10月1日  Recycling of the REE can also address the balance problem related to primary REE production. The rare earth elements (REE) are vital to modern technologies and society and are amongst the most critical of the critical elements. Despite these facts, typically only around 1% of the REE are recycled from end-products, with the rest

Why rare earth recycling is rare — and what we can do about it

The existing recycling infrastructure for fluorescent bulbs makes them good candidates for rare earth recycling, many experts say. With price pressures off, at least for now, and few laws requiring recycling, there is little incentive to try to get the materials back. As of 2011, less than 1 percent of rare earths were recycled.

3 Ways to Invest in Rare-Earth Stocks Investing U.S. News

2023年8月16日  The fund is down 8.8% year to date as of Aug. 18. The most popular rare-earth fund is the VanEck Rare Earth/Strategic Metals ETF ( REMX ), which has an expense ratio of 0.54%, has been around ...

How to build a circular economy for rare-earth elements - Nature

2023年7月10日  The REE value chain consumes vast amounts of energy and water and releases pollutants and carbon emissions (see ‘A circular economy in rare earths’). Refining one kilogram of REE oxide ...

Rare-earth recycling needs market intervention - Nature

2021年3月26日  Rare-earth recycling needs market intervention. Nd–Fe–B permanent magnets are essential for the transition to clean energy and mobility. Given the burgeoning demand for neodymium and other ...

Recycling of the rare earth elements - ScienceDirect

2018年10月1日  Recycling of the rare earth elements. The rare earth elements (REE) are vital to modern technologies and society and are amongst the most critical of the critical elements. Despite these facts, typically only around 1% of the REE are recycled from end-products, with the rest deporting to waste and being removed from the materials cycle.

Rare earth elements could be pulled from coal waste - Science News

2023年1月20日  Pulling rare earths from coal waste offers a two-for-one deal: By retrieving the metals, you also help clean up the pollution. Long after a coal mine closes, it can leave a dirty legacy. When some ...

Rare earth recycler draws $28 million in federal funding - E-Scrap News

2020年9月11日  Rare earth recycler draws $28 million in federal funding. Urban Mining Co. operates a magnet recovery facility just south of Austin. Courtesy of Urban Mining Co. Urban Mining Co., which uses an innovative process to recycle rare earth magnets, has received financial backing as part of the U.S. response to the coronavirus pandemic.

How can we recycle rare earth metals from electronics? Popular Science

2022年2月11日  Science. Environment. Researchers at Rice University successfully separated rare earth metals out of old computers and other waste. Jeff Fitlow/Rice University. Look in the second row from the ...

FACT SHEET: Securing a Made in America Supply Chain for Critical

2022年2月22日  Globally, China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earths and other critical minerals. Executive Order 14017 (E.O.), America’s Supply Chains ...

Rare-earth element - Wikipedia

The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals or rare earths or, in context, rare-earth oxides, and sometimes the lanthanides (although yttrium and scandium, which do not belong to this series, are usually included as rare earths), are a set of 17 nearly indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals.Compounds containing rare

Rare earth recycler draws $28 million in federal

2020年9月11日  Rare earth recycler draws $28 million in federal funding. Urban Mining Co. operates a magnet recovery facility just south of Austin. Courtesy of Urban Mining Co. Urban Mining Co., which uses an

How can we recycle rare earth metals from electronics? Popular Science

2022年2月11日  Science. Environment. Researchers at Rice University successfully separated rare earth metals out of old computers and other waste. Jeff Fitlow/Rice University. Look in the second row from the ...

FACT SHEET: Securing a Made in America Supply Chain for Critical

2022年2月22日  Globally, China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earths and other critical minerals. Executive Order 14017 (E.O.), America’s Supply Chains ...

Rare-earth element - Wikipedia

The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals or rare earths or, in context, rare-earth oxides, and sometimes the lanthanides (although yttrium and scandium, which do not belong to this series, are usually included as rare earths), are a set of 17 nearly indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals.Compounds containing rare

Meet The Texas Startup That Recycles Rare-Earth Magnets ... - Forbes

2023年5月10日  Getting rare earth magnets, after all, ... Zakotnik told them about his process for recycling rare-earth magnets. “This guy at the time had a big ponytail, so I thought, ‘This guy is a crazy ...

Opportunities in Critical Rare Earth Metal Recycling Value

2022年8月18日  Rare earth elements (REEs) are often referred to as the industrial vitamins and the key drivers of the industry 4.0 revolution. The current global supply chain of REEs for green and high-tech applications with more than 220 metric kilotons per year involves a huge environmental impact (backpack) as well as the piling up of radioactive by-products

Rare opportunity to recycle rare earths - Recycling Today

Recycling rare-earth metals is attractive for technical, financial and political reasons. In late 2010, China cut off exports of rare-earth metals to Japan in response to Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing trawler captain. The DOE established its Critical Materials Strategy in 2010 and its Critical Materials Institute (CMI) in 2013.

Critical Materials Institute develops new acid-free magnet recycling

2017年9月5日  A new rare-earth magnet recycling process developed by researchers at the Critical Materials Institute (CMI) dissolves magnets in an acid-free solution and recovers high purity rare earth elements. For shredded magnet-containing electronic wastes, the process does not require pre-processing such as pre-sorting or demagnetization of the

BMW i Ventures leads investment into rare earth recycling

2023年4月27日  BMW’s investment arm BMW i Ventures announced an investment in Cyclic Materials, a Canadian company focused on recycling rare earth elements (REE). Regarding e-mobility, Cyclic Materials cooperates with Polestar to recover magnets for electric motors. As for BMW i Ventures, the investor led the $27 million Series A funding

Green rare-earth recycling goes commercial in the US - Tech

2022年3月18日  An innovative method of recycling rare earth elements from electronic waste has gone commercial. A team of researchers from the Critical Materials Institute (CMI), a U.S. Department of Energy Innovation Hub led by the Ames Laboratory, developed a novel way to extract rare earth elements (rare earths) from the high-powered magnets

The paradox of waste geography? Dynamic evolution and quality ...

Rare earth recycling is a classic paradox of waste geography, developed countries in general have replaced developing countries as the main buyers and are at the core of the network, forming a juxtaposition of two major associations, East and West. In terms of spatial dynamics, the global rare earth recycling trade network has gradually formed ...

Just and Sustainable Solutions for the Mining and Recycling of Rare ...

2022年12月12日  In addition to increasing oversight and transparency into rare earth element supply chains, one of many viable solutions to mitigating rare earth element extraction is recycling permanent magnets. Today, the world recycles a small amount of rare earth elements from end products, but recycling could help meet the need of about

Separation and Recycling Potential of Rare Earth Elements from

2022年2月24日  This review explores the potential of separating and recycling rare earth elements (REEs) from different energy conversion systems, such as wind turbines, electric vehicles batteries, or lighting devices. The REEs include 17 elements (with global production of 242 kilometric tons in 2020) that can be found abundantly in nature. However, they are

Are we ready to recycle the “rare earths” behind an energy revolution?

2020年7月21日  The so-called “rare earth elements” (or REEs) include the 15 lanthanide elements on the periodic table—lanthanum through lutetium—plus scandium and yttrium straight above them. Despite the ...

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