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caesium atoms decelerated
The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium vapour
2005年2月1日 We report for the first time, according to our knowledge, an experiment in which a light pulse is decelerated to 2000 m s−1 and stored in a caesium vapour cell for a period of time without using a buffer gas.
Caesium - Wikipedia
Caesium (IUPAC spelling; cesium in American English) is a chemical element; it has symbol Cs and atomic number 55. It is a soft, silvery-golden alkali metal with a melting point of 28.5 °C (83.3 °F), which makes it one of only five elemental metals that are liquid at or near room temperature. Caesium has physical and chemical properties similar to those of rubidium and potassium. It is pyrophoric a
Alternative name: cesium (US)Velocity Control of Cesium Atomic Beam Using Two
2019年5月15日 The velocity of a cesium atomic beam was controlled using two broadband frequency-modulated, external-cavity diode lasers. One laser beam was
(PDF) A continuous beam of slow, cold cesium atoms magnetically ...
1998年1月15日 A novel scheme has been developed, that produces a continuous beam of cold cesium atoms extracted from a two-dimensional Magneto-Optical Trap (2D-MOT) in
3Evidence for Efimov quantum states in an ultracold gas of caesium
2006年3月16日 Here we report the observation of an Efimov resonance in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms. The resonance occurs in the range of large negative two-body
T. Kraemer, M. Mark, P. Waldburger, J. G. Danzl, C. Chin, C. Chin, B. Engeser, A. D. Lange, K. Pilch...IR laser oscillation on caesium and rubidium atomic transitions
2022年4月1日 In this paper, we study the possibility of lasing in the mid-IR range (2 – 5.5 μm) by exciting energy levels from 8P to 10P in caesium atoms and from 6P to 8P in
标记:Caesium AtomsIopscienceIR Laser OscillationElectrostatic trapping of ammonia molecules Nature
2000年8月1日 The decelerator consists of an array of 63 equidistant electric field stages. When the state-selected ND 3 molecules enter a region of high electric field (typically up to 100 kV cm -1 ), they ...
标记:Ammonia TrapAmmonia MoleculesElectrostatic TrappingPublish Year:2000Longitudinal Stern-Gerlach effect for slow cesium atoms
The mechanical Stern-Gerlach effect is investigated in the case of a slow atomic cloud falling through an inhomogeneous magnetic field featuring a strong longitudinal gradient.
标记:É. Maréchal, S. Guibal, J.-L. Bossennec, M.-P. Gorza, R. Barbé, J.-C. Keller, O. GorceixQuantum caesium Nature Chemistry
2015年3月24日 With its large atomic radius, it readily loses its only valence electron to adopt the +1 oxidation state. It also tends to form covalent bonds and exhibit high
标记:Caesium AtomsCaesium ElementQuantum CaesiumCaesium WikiChapter 3 Experimental Procedure - Springer
the laser wavelength, = 2π×5.2MHz is the transition linewidth, mis the cesium atomic mass, s = I Isat is the saturation parameter that defines the efficiency of the Zeeman slower,
The deceleration and storage of a light pulse in caesium vapour
2005年1月6日 We report for the first time, according to our knowledge, an experiment in which a light pulse is decelerated to 2000 m s−1 and stored in a caesium vapour cell for a period of time without using ...
Martial DUCLOY Directeur de Recherche Classe ... - ResearchGate
The quadrupole transition at 685 nm in the gas of cesium atoms is optically pumped, while the induced ground-state population depletion is probed with light tuned on the strong electric dipole ...
[PDF] Bose-Einstein Condensation of Cesium Semantic Scholar
2002年12月5日 Various regimes of condensate self-interaction (attractive, repulsive, and null interaction strength) are explored and properties of imploding, exploding, and non-interacting quantum matter are demonstrated. Bose-Einstein condensation of cesium atoms is achieved by evaporative cooling using optical trapping techniques. The ability to tune
Longitudinal Stern-Gerlach effect for slow cesium atoms
The mechanical Stern-Gerlach effect is investigated in the case of a slow atomic cloud falling through an inhomogeneous magnetic field featuring a strong longitudinal gradient. The resulting Zeeman sublevel state selection is demonstrated under various experimental conditions. Longitudinal spatial separations are in agreement with numerical simulations
Electrostatic trapping of ammonia molecules Nature
2000年8月1日 We are able to trap state-selected ammonia molecules with a density of 10 6 cm -3 in a volume of 0.25 cm 3 at temperatures below 0.35 K. We observe pronounced density oscillations caused by the ...
(PDF) Review on Bose-Einstein Condensation - ResearchGate
2023年3月16日 decelerated by the continuous interaction between photons (laser beam) and atoms. Fig. 3 The Zeeman slowing schematic (a) and magnetic field curve (b) [9]. ... the cesium atoms in resonant cavity .
Electrostatic end-field defocusing of neutral atoms and its
2022年10月11日 direction by the rising field strength, and then decelerated when they leave the electric field region (Sec. VI). In addition, at the entrance (and exit) to the electrodes the electric field strength also increases off axis in the electric field direction (Fig. 1), so the atoms will experience an end-field defocusing force (Sec. IV) at ...
(PDF) A continuous beam of slow, cold cesium atoms
1998年1月15日 Starting from a 2D magneto-optical trap where cesium atoms are permanently subjected to 3D sub-Doppler cooling and 2D magneto-optical trapping, we have produced a beam of cold atoms continuously ...
Cold atoms stay cool Nature Physics
2021年12月7日 Cold atoms stay cool. Methods for studying Bose–Einstein condensation in ultracold gases have been under development for over 40 years. A highly sophisticated suite of techniques has emerged ...
Cesium Cs CID 5354618 - PubChem
Cesium is a naturally occurring element found combined with other elements in rocks, soil, and dust in low amounts. Naturally occurring cesium is not radioactive and is referred to as stable cesium.There is only one stable form of cesium naturally present in the environment,133Cs (read as cesium one-thirty-three). Nuclear explosions or the
6.4: The Zeeman Effect - Physics LibreTexts
2022年1月29日 6.4: The Zeeman Effect. Now, we are ready to review the Zeeman effect - the atomic level splitting by an external magnetic field. 17 Using Eq. (3.26), with q = − e, for the description of the electron’s orbital motion in the field, and the Pauli Hamiltonian (4.163), with γ = − e / me, for the electron spin’s interaction with the field ...
arXiv:2206.07034v1 [physics.atom-ph] 14 Jun 2022
The lattice is then decelerated, which pro-duces a corresponding deceleration of the trapped atoms. Finally, the lattice is quickly turned off, leaving the atoms with a reduced speed. For our demonstration, atoms moving at speeds of roughly 300 m/s 15 m/s are trapped in the lat-tice wells and the atoms are then decelerated by about 20 m/s
X-rays - HyperPhysics
X-ray production typically involves bombarding a metal target in an x-ray tube with high speed electrons which have been accelerated by tens to hundreds of kilovolts of potential. The bombarding electrons can eject electrons from the inner shells of the atoms of the metal target. Those vacancies will be quickly filled by electrons dropping down ...
Caesium - Element information, properties and uses Periodic Table
Element Caesium (Cs), Group 1, Atomic Number 55, s-block, Mass 132.905. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images. Jump to main content . ... When atoms are energetically excited, for instance when a compound is introduced into a flame, electrons can temporarily be promoted to higher energy levels. ...
6.4: The Zeeman Effect - Physics LibreTexts
2022年1月29日 6.4: The Zeeman Effect. Now, we are ready to review the Zeeman effect - the atomic level splitting by an external magnetic field. 17 Using Eq. (3.26), with q = − e, for the description of the electron’s orbital motion in the field, and the Pauli Hamiltonian (4.163), with γ = − e / me, for the electron spin’s interaction with the field ...
arXiv:2206.07034v1 [physics.atom-ph] 14 Jun 2022
The lattice is then decelerated, which pro-duces a corresponding deceleration of the trapped atoms. Finally, the lattice is quickly turned off, leaving the atoms with a reduced speed. For our demonstration, atoms moving at speeds of roughly 300 m/s 15 m/s are trapped in the lat-tice wells and the atoms are then decelerated by about 20 m/s
X-rays - HyperPhysics
X-ray production typically involves bombarding a metal target in an x-ray tube with high speed electrons which have been accelerated by tens to hundreds of kilovolts of potential. The bombarding electrons can eject electrons from the inner shells of the atoms of the metal target. Those vacancies will be quickly filled by electrons dropping down ...
Caesium - Element information, properties and uses Periodic Table
Element Caesium (Cs), Group 1, Atomic Number 55, s-block, Mass 132.905. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images. Jump to main content . ... When atoms are energetically excited, for instance when a compound is introduced into a flame, electrons can temporarily be promoted to higher energy levels. ...
Taming light with cold atoms – Physics World
2001年9月1日 Hot atoms emitted from the ‘candlestick’ atomic-beam source are first decelerated by radiation pressure from the ‘slowing’ laser beam in the 1 m long Zeeman slower. ... the researchers illuminated a 6 cm long cell of caesium atoms with two pump lasers that were at slightly different frequencies and both tuned somewhat away from an ...
NIST’s Cesium Fountain Atomic Clocks NIST
2009年8月26日 Technical Description. NIST-F3 and NIST-F4 are referred to as fountain clocks because they use a fountain-like movement of atoms to calibrate the offset of a microwave frequency from the unperturbed cesium clock transition frequency used to define the SI second.. First, a gas of cesium atoms is introduced into the clock's vacuum
arXiv:2401.16588v1 [physics.atom-ph] 29 Jan 2024
10 小时之 that are decelerated and the deceleration rate, it is highly desir- ... ated in this reaction are cooled via collisions with the neon atoms and form a molecular beam by expanding through a 4.5 mm di- ... that is stabilized to a caesium clock (Microsemi CSIII Model 4301B). The beat note of the lasers with the frequency comb is
Frequency and Intensity Control of Lasers to Cool and Control Caesium Atoms
2012年9月16日 Lasers are now being routinely used to control the atomic motion. We describe the usage of narrow linewidth lasers to capture, cool, manipulate and detect the caesium atoms. This control helps in increasing the interaction time between atoms and microwave field in a cesium atomic clock. This paper describes the optics in detail for
arXiv:2401.16588v1 [physics.atom-ph] 29 Jan 2024
that are decelerated and the deceleration rate, it is highly desir- ... ated in this reaction are cooled via collisions with the neon atoms and form a molecular beam by expanding through a 4.5 mm di- ... that is stabilized to a caesium clock (Microsemi CSIII Model 4301B). The beat note of the lasers with the frequency comb is
Magnetic hexapole lens focusing of a metastable helium atomic
2007年2月15日 Sources of rare gas atoms in excited metastable states have been used to expose photoresist-coated substrates to demonstrate atom lithography. These thermal atomic beams are usually created by discharge sources that also produce copious amounts of UV radiation. The UV radiation simultaneously illuminates the substrate and may play a
Cesium Description, Symbol, Uses, Facts Britannica
2024年1月9日 cesium (Cs), chemical element of Group 1 (also called Group Ia) of the periodic table, the alkali metal group, and the first element to be discovered spectroscopically (1860), by German scientists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff, who named it for the unique blue lines of its spectrum (Latin caesius, “sky-blue”). This silvery
Long-term trapping of Stark-decelerated molecules
2019年8月29日 However, achieving their confinement for sufficiently long timescales remains a challenge. Here, we report the long-term trapping of Stark-decelerated OH radicals in their X 2 Π 3/2 ( ν = 0, J ...
Caesium - Periodic Table and Atomic Properties
Atomic Number – Protons, Electrons and Neutrons in Caesium. Caesium is a chemical element with atomic number 55 which means there are 55 protons in its nucleus.Total number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number of the atom and is given the symbol Z.The total electrical charge of the nucleus is therefore +Ze, where e (elementary
Evidence for Efimov quantum states in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms
2006年3月16日 Now that has been achieved, in an ultracold gas of caesium atoms. The existence of this gas confirms key predictions and opens up few-body quantum systems to further experiment. The first ...
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أفضل النباتات كسارة في العالم
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تأسست شركة Henan Lrate للعلوم والتكنولوجيا المحدودة التي تصنع معدات التكسير والطحن الكبيرة والمتوسطة الحجم في عام 1987. وهي شركة مساهمة حديثة مع البحث والتصنيع والمبيعات معًا.
على مدار أكثر من 30 عامًا ، تلتزم شركتنا بنظام الإدارة العلمية الحديث والتصنيع الدقيق والريادة والابتكار. الآن أصبحت LIMING رائدة في صناعة تصنيع الآلات المحلية والخارجية.